Monday, March 1, 2010

Habitat of a mocking bird.

Habitat of mockingbirds

Mockingbirds typically inhabit dense, low shrubs and areas with open ground. Throughout their range, they are common in suburban areas and parks with short grass. They avoid the forest interior, but can often be found at forest edges.
Mockingbird can also be found in areas with open ground and with shrubby vegetation like hedges, fruiting bushes, and thickets. When foraging on the ground, it prefers grassy areas, rather than bare spots. Mockingbirds mainly eat insects, beetles and worms and sometimes lizards.

Flora and Fauna in MayComb
I think Maycomb's residents have grassy lawns which mockingbirds like foraging. Maycomb's residents may plant shrubs like the Glossy Abelia, Fountain Butterfly Bush and Japonica. Maycomb may also have many shrubby vegetation along the sidewalks. These are good places for mockingbrids to nest in. There are abundant insects in the habitat like Maycomb, hence there is a abundant source of food for the mocking bird.


  1. The background information you found about mockingbirds are very useful and handy for the novel that we are studying now. However, I feel that their natural habitat, diet etc stuff are not really relevant. I feel that the most important thing is what a mockingbird does that is created as an imagery and representation in the novel. However, it is still a good try. Keep up the good effort!

  2. Oh, but i think the question asked for diet, well i have forgotten too. Thanks for the post:)
