Monday, June 22, 2009

Is progress beneficial for society?

Is progress beneficial for society, and i have to say yes. Man, always find ways to improve their or our lives through innovative ideas, but why must we stop improving our lives? I feel that is stupid not to progress and live the same way for many generations to come. We should always find ways to progress to improve our lives. If we stop finding ways to improve our lives, we would stop inventing things, we woould stop thinking for new ideas, we would not be innovative anymore.
When we are not innovative, we would lose our dominance on Earth as other animals are getting cleverer each day, and maybe one day, they will be smarter than us. In order to prevent this from happening, we must keep finding ways to improve our lives, to keep thinking of new ideas, and to be the dominant race on planet Earth, this is why i feel that progress is beneficial for the society.

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