Monday, March 9, 2009

Why Manchester United is going to win.

Why Manchester United are going to win the five trophies they're aiming for? Well, there are a few very simple answers to that.
First, Manchester United are they best club in the world! They have won the Champions League and Club World Cup, so it is not difficult to win all five trophies.
Secondly, they have the best squad in the world! Despite fielding a second choice team, Manchester United thrashed Fulham easily! So, if we have fielded in a first team....... Haha! The scoreline will be much better than Saturday's match.
Thirdly, nothing is too difficult for us!
So to the rest who do not believed Manchester United would win all five trophies, I believed I have conviced you, and maybe, turn you into a Manchester United Fan.
All the way Manchester United!


  1. Truth to say, I also think that Man U have a chance to win all those titles even though I dislike them. They are too powerful now and it will be very difficult to defeat them now.

  2. Yeah Kuang Ian. This is the reason why I have been trying to persuade Manchester United, not Chelsea. :)
